Support for Hegemon Media comes from readers like you.
In case you haven’t figured it out - I’m doing a post every day.
A year or two ago, I tried to get a few activists together for a publication. I thought if I could get six people to write one article per week, we’d have six articles per week, and then we’d have our own press. It didn’t work out. (Though I’m still open to the idea.) Now, I’m doing the work of six (seven?) myself. Newspapers publish every day. I’m a one-man publication.
I’m not sure how long I will keep this pace up. I have some longer writing I’d like to do in the future that might require more time. Most articles so far have been a 2-3 minute read with one simple concept. One week I might publish one or two longer 15 minute reads. One I might go on vacation. We’ll see.
I write this much because I care this much. I think some of you care too. If you want to support this work, there are two things you can do:
Share this work. Sharing is free. At the end of every post is a share button. If you like an article, forward it to one other person who hasn’t read this blog yet, and ask them to subscribe. That’s it. That’s all it takes. Pick someone you think might like it.
I want to build this publication to 100,000 readers. Yes, that high. Yes, I am that crazy. Anyone trying to build something has to be. At a 100,000 readers, if 1% convert to paying subscribers, that is 1000 true fans. 1000 paying subscribers means I get to do this full-time. This brings me to my next request:
Become a subscriber. NPR Voice: “Hegemon Media is supported by readers like you.” You can become a member for only $10 a month. Also, I lied earlier. I don’t need 100,000 readers. If 100% of my current readership subscribed, I could do this full-time. That never happens. I know the internet, most of you don’t have the follow-through. If you care at least $10 about this or if one of my articles brings a little value to you, it would help. Plus, look - the first 7 days are free:
What does becoming a member get you? All the paywalled articles I’m doing. I’m like the New York Times. You only get a certain number of free articles a month. Some of them will have a paywall break, after which only the members get to read.
How I’m using the paywall: All articles that the general public could benefit from reading are going to remain free. Any article that requires a prior understanding of this issue or is only for those who already support these ideas will be paywalled. Free means I’m talking to everyone. Paywalled means I’m talking to you.
Why? Well, as I talk about in The Intactivist Guidebook (you have read The Intactivist Guidebook, haven’t you?) some communications need to be just for those who are already allies. Not everything is for everyone. Sometimes, there needs to be internal communications. In those cases, I’m paywalling to select for the portion of our audience that cares at least $10-worth about what I have to say.
“But how will you make sure that opposition doesn’t subscribe and start reading all our secrets?” Well… find out after the paywall. (See what I did there? Go subscribe.)