You will be attacked because this blog tells it as it is.

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You’re asking people to write about these issues, but the fact is that if they do so without self censorship they will be cancelled. You haven’t addressed that very real problem here, just said essentially “do it anyway”. Will you, personally, pay the salary of someone who is fired as a result of writing about genital cutting in a way that offends a Jewish boss? You will not. Therefore your advice is not actionable!

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"How To Avoid Cancelation" might be a good future article topic.

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I understand your frustration, and everyone must decide for themselves what risks they are willing to take, and what price they are willing to pay, in order to freely speak the truth.

While I am willing to take great risks, that is on me, and I do not see you as lesser because you chose not to. I *would* advise getting a different job, but I know there is nowhere one can go for security in this issue 😞

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haha... I wrote this and lost it in the shuffle of "update your profile" etc, and I wrote a different, second version.. Then this one showed up again. I am posting the original anyway, because it might contain something I left out ouf the newer comment....

Brendon, people are unaware of the subtle powers that control their thoughts, feelings and behaviors. They have knee-jerk reactions to words, names, etc. They don't always think logically and rarely introspect. "How DID I come up with this idea? attitude? etc" They just assume that if a thought was programmed into their minds, that makes it true, real. When I was a child, I assumed that if something was printed in a book or a newspaper, then it HAD to be factual, because "They wouldn't let it be in print if it wasn't real." haha - silly me!

Yet cultural programming is a fact in every culture (ethnocentricity means "my side right or wrong") and on every side of the aisle, everywhere - and passions run high to defend our programming. People think they think, but they don't question their thoughts to make sure they ARE their thoughts and not just something they learned from someone who did also not stop to question those thoughts.

What would happen if everyone took a moment to think about what they say and believe? They might discover there is a different world out there. And perhaps it would make them feel badly if they determined they were betrayed and hurt by those they trust the most.

Introspection is rare but oh, so important! Maybe that's what lockdowns were about. Maybe if there is a "solar flare" or something that interrupts the Internet & other communication, people will have another opportunity to sit quietly and objectively review their thoughts, beliefs and attitudes, to determine what is inarguably true and what was opinion learned from people who did not have the time or inclination to question what was inarguably true.

Reality checks are rare and oh so valuable. Do not take personally anything negative anyone says to you or about you. They are simply announcing the quality of their character.

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Brendon, don't take anything personally that anyone says to you. It's all about the ability to discern societal, cult-ural and familial programming from fact and natural human wisdom. A few moments of honest introspection would help us all, but especially those who were vulnerable, hurt and now feel it is their obligation to pass the hurt on to others. No one's inner wisdom could defend perpetuating that kind of behavior. It is 180 degrees from our true nature. We have to be badly harmed and then the harm justified over and over again before the programming takes hold of our minds. Trauma-based mind-control systems begin with violence, but violence has to be reinforced repeatedly - physically, mentally and emotionally. At the least, it creates a narcissist who cannot see another's point of view or at the worst, a psychopath who deights in the pain of others. Your detractors may have not yet spent an honest moment searching their past and their hearts for what is inarguanly true about inflicting pain and mutilation on babies (or even adults), so they unquestioningly continue to propagate the programming. Taking a step away from the assumptions we hold is a healthy thing to do. But who has an opportunity to do that in this go-go-go world, unless there is a "lockdown" or a "solar flare" or they spend "Gitmo" time? There is a blessing in every situation. Examining and purfiying the mind is work few choose to do.

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Thank you. Very insightful.

Because of these great blogs, I just purchased your books, “childrens justice” and “intactivist guidebook”. Can’t wait to read them.

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I don't think Jewish organizations have enough power in our society to de-platform people, put on law enforcement watch lists or especially not banking/payment processors. The latter are absolutely Jewish stereotypes, and it's a lot more believable that people who are actually in power the US conservative Christian block particularly Catholics(As the largest group circumcizing for religious reasons in the US) are using the victimhood of Jewish people to their advantage again, using them as a scapegoat like we've seen in history. The source you listed for this last claim isn't entirely relevant and a very irreputable source. The Daily Mail is a openly transphobic and not for personal sovereignty.


Most of the the people with the power to do the things you've mentioned are not Jewish. We don't have a Jewish hegemony, but a Christian one. Jewish people are absolutely also perpetrators to this human rights violation as well which I think you acknowledged much better in your other article "A Jewish guide to talking to circumcision survivors".

I have a hard time talking about this issue around Jewish people as you mention in the article in fear of triggering abuse to myself. However, I also acknowledge the social structures in the US and the prevailing antisemitism that requires regular self reflection to make sure I'm not hating groups because of societal pressure, but my own disagreement with their practices. This is just as if not more true for Catholics and Muslims who have more directly harmed me.

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I enjoyed the article and think you made cogent points. What about someone in my position, i.e. a woman without any children? I struggle sometimes with whether I have a right to feel I am an indirect victim. Less so with whether I should speak on the issue, although as we know, sometimes people argue I shouldn’t have an opinion as a woman. But I’d be curious to hear your take on whether people in our society, or maybe the world over, are indirectly victimized if circumcision has somehow affected us. Or if you would characterize it differently.

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Would take an article to answer, but the book answers it already.

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IMO living in a culture where evil is routine and not acknowledged is a moral trauma that directly affects you, because you see something awful happen and feel powerless to stop it. The perpetuators of this system are making your life worse by putting you in this position.

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If you have had sex with a circumcised man, you have been DIRECTLY affected. If you have witnessed someone insult or make fun of an intact male or his genitals, you have been affected. If you have witnessed someone be horrified by Female Genital Cutting, or say that women are more oppressed than men -- but NOT mention that women's but not men's genitals are protected by law -- you have been affected. If you see protestors hold signs "My Body My Choice", and realize they would not likely apply that demand to males' genitals, you have been affected. If you care about ongoing human rights violations, you have been affected!

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Also if you have any kind of relationship with a circumcised man or boy, and especially if they suffer physically or psychologically, you have been affected by the pedophile culture, and have every right to an opinion.

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As a human being, you have a right to voice your opinion on human rights abuses. You do not need a penis to say “this is wrong”. The only people arguing you shouldn’t have a voice are the mutilators.

Everyone is an indirect victim (some of us are just both). Many people just don’t recognize that they are harmed (yet). You have a right to claim indirect victimhood.

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You have an opinion as a human being opposed to human rights abuses. I'm a man, but that doesn't stop me from opposing FGM. The same should apply to you in reverse.

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“ of what will and will trigger Jewish fragility” —> will and will NOT

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