Doctors will frequently claim that they personally should not be held accountable for circumcision. Some say that they personally do not perform circumcisions. If they do perform circumcisions, they will say that they only do them because the hospital requires them to. If they have performed them in the past, they will say that they had to as a part of medical school.
Doctors will even deflect internally between medical organizations. When activists protest the Amercian Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the medical organization which makes position statements on circumcision, those doctors will say that they should really be protesting the gynecologists, since they perform circumcisions. When activists protest the American Congress of Gynecologists (ACOG), those doctors will say that they should really protest the AAP, since they are just following their policy. (I have personally been at both protests and watched this happen.)
Yet circumcision pedophilia is a systemic issue. There is no one person solely responsible for circumcision. Doctors use the systemic nature of this issue to deflect blame and claim that because they are not personally responsible for the entire system, they have no responsibility at all.
This is not how we approach other social justice issues. Social justice looks at other systemic issues through the complicity principle. Since issues are systemic, the question isn’t to what degree each individual is responsible, but to what degree they are complicit with that system.
Take for example, the issue of police brutality. Suppose you have 150 police officers in a department. Only 10 are racist and engage in police brutality. From an individual perspective, only 10 police officers are the problem. If the police were to behave like doctors, they would tell protestors against police brutality not to protest them, because they personally don’t beat black people. Any social justice activist would laugh in their face at such an assertion.
Social justice activists argue that if the other 140 police officers do not report or oppose the 10 who are engaged in brutality, the 140 are all complicit in that abuse. That complicity could take the form of not reporting abuse, covering up abuse to protect the department, or giving only a slap on the wrist and two weeks paid vacation to officers caught engaging in abuse. If those police officers do not actively oppose the abuse of their colleagues, they are also complicit in that abuse.
In other words, if you have 150 cops, 10 engage in brutality, and 140 don’t oppose it, you don’t have 10 bad cops. You have 150 bad cops.
Likewise, if you have a hospital with 150 doctors, and only 10 do circumcisions, but the 140 don’t oppose them, you don’t have 10 bad doctors. You have 150 bad doctors.
In other words:
All doctors who are not actively antipedophile are complicit.
Let’s go back to those original excuses. If a doctor says they don’t personally perform circumcisions, then why are they giving money to an organization that supports circumcision to go to a conference where they will be surrounded by doctors who do perform circumcisions? They are complicit by virtue of them being at the event.
What would it look if they were antipedophile? An antipedophile doctor would be working to actively oppose circumcision. They would be outside with the protests or finding ways to invite the protestors inside. They would be organizing and holding a rival conference for doctors who actually protect children. There are a lot of ways to be actively antipedophile. Giving money to those who support systemic pedophilia isn’t one of them.
It is even possible for a doctor to personally oppose circumcision while still being complicit in systemic pedophilia. Suppose a doctor knows in their heart that infant genital cutting is wrong. Yet, they don’t want to risk their job. When the hospital continues to circumcise, they remain silent. When they meet activists, they say “I oppose circumcision, I just can’t say it at my job.” Is this person really against circumcision?
Let’s see what this would look like on another social justice issue. What would racial justice activists say about a police officer who knows in their heart that police brutality and racism are wrong, but goes along with their colleagues when they want to beat a black man and says nothing against it? Would racial justice activists say they are “not a racist” or see them as complicit in systemic racism? I think the answer is obvious. They would be called racist. Likewise, doctors who do not oppose circumcision are equally complicit in systemic pedophilia, even if they hold a different perspective in their hearts.
Some doctors might protest that they are on our side because they agree with us. If they are on our side, what are they doing to further our position? How are they materially helping? Have they even stopped providing their labor to systems and institutions engaged in systemic pedophilia? Are they really on our side?
All doctors who participate in the medical system that are not actively antipedophile are complicit in systemic pedophilia.
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One obvious truth, undeniable. If parents had to find a mohel to cut their sons, 99 percent would pass on it. So are stores that sell assault weapons Complicite in violence? No doctor has to do a circumcision. That's right, not any including students. Its simply an excuse to dodge blame.
Who knew at 7 am I'd read such an idiotic article of nonsense. Pedophilia is a medical diagnosis. A psychiatric term in the DSM-5. It's NOT systemic anything. It's NOT even technically a crime. I'm sure y'all are freaking out now. Go try and find a crime on the books that says pedophilia anything let alone that it is a crime. You won't because pedophilia a diagnosis from a doctor where the individual has a primary or exclusively sexual attraction to prepubescent children. Sometimes one sex, sometimes both sexes. That's what it is. Someone can be sexually attracted to children and not even commit a crime. We don't arrest, prosecute and incarcerate because of someone's sick fantasies in their head, We arrest, prosecute and incarcerate when that attraction has led to a sexually abusive act, or worse. Further you can participate in a sexual act (still a crime) against children and NOT be diagnosed a pedophile. Many times child sexual abuse is a crime of convenience and that individual is primarily attracted to their adult peers . You don't get to appropriate that loaded term for your pseudoscience obsession.
Doctors performing the surgical procedure of a circumcision are not doing so because they have a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent boys (or ANY attraction to prepubescent boys). Same for doctors that don't participate in them. Ironically individuals who are so obsessed with the appearance of prepubescent boys penises that it causes them "attraction distress or interpersonal difficulty" are dabbling their toe in it. I can't imagine the pain you cause people whov've actually been abused when they see you co-opting their pain.
Doctors have far better things to do then worry about the absolute bull$hit you've spewed. No one rational would think anything you've suggested is acceptable even if you had not co-opted someone else's pain. There are doctors right now performing CPR on an infant whose succumbed to SIDS, performing organ transplants, crying with parents because there are no more treatments for their child with cancer, are calling a time of death for a child that drowned, are hooking up a child to ECMO, are trying to intubate a micropreemie, are performing a spinal tap on a febrile newborn, are doing surgery to try and remedy a severe curvature for a child that is wheelchair bound, are looking at a CT scan imagine and see that a child has cancer, are sitting parents down and explaining that their baby has Cystic Fibrosis, are performing a muscle biopsy on a teen because they are suspecting a teen has Muscular Dystrophy, are doing surgery on a heart of a child with Down Syndrome, are performing surgery to give a child a trach, or feeding tube, an ostomy, a central line.... Shall I keep going? You want ALL of them to stop what they are doing, go down to urology, and stop the urologists from performing a medical procedure that YOU think is bad because in your head (a head that obviously spent way too much time licking lead as a child) you think it's actually reasonable for everyone to stop what they are doing to stop the imaginary pedophiles that you fantasize about..oh and if those doctors don't stop the pretend pedophiles, they are pedophiles too🙄.
I do truly hope you keep this open and available so whenever I try to explain to someone that intactivists are obsessed nutjobs, I can pull out this small wonder as example bat$hit101.